What is the meaning of hormone replacement therapy? - Vitality Hormone Center

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment that replenishes hormones when your body is not making enough on its own. As both men and women age, their bodies produce fewer hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Replacing these hormones through HRT can help relieve unpleasant menopause symptoms in middle-aged women and improve quality of life. Some key points about hormone replacement therapy:

Who is a candidate for hormone therapy? What are the risks and side effects of HRT? What hormones are replaced in HRT? Estrogen Progesterone Testosterone Types of Hormone Replacement Therapy There are many forms of HRT to choose from: The type of HRT depends on your needs and preferences. Transdermal and vaginal routes may be preferred over oral tablets due to lower risks. Duration of Treatment In addition to HRT, regular health screenings, proper nutrition, exercise, and routine doctor’s visits are vital for managaging menopause symptoms and long term health. If you are experiencing effects of menopause or andropause (male menopause), consider contacting Vitality Hormone Center. We offer customized bioidentical hormone therapy tailored to your unique hormone needs and health goals. Reach out today to schedule your initial bloodwork and consultation.

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