Poor sleep quality - Vitality Hormone Center

Poor sleep quality refers to sleep that is insufficient or disrupted, preventing one from feeling well-rested. It can negatively impact one's physical health, mental health, productivity, and quality of life. Signs of poor sleep quality include:

What causes poor sleep? Common causes include: Poor sleep and health Over time, chronic poor sleep takes a major toll on one's physical and mental health by: Seeking treatment If you regularly experience poor sleep quality, consult a doctor or sleep specialist. They can identify any underlying issues and customize a treatment plan which may involve: At Vitality Hormone Center, we also address hormonal imbalances that can interfere with sleep quality. Low testosterone, high cortisol, low growth hormone and other hormone issues can all undermine sleep. We provide advanced hormone testing and personalized treatment plans involving bioidentical hormone therapy, supplements, diet and lifestyle changes to help patients restore healthy sleep patterns from the inside out. I hope this overview on the causes, health impacts and treatment options for poor sleep quality has been helpful and informative! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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