Estrogen is one of the key sex hormones that is essential for sexual and reproductive development. It is primarily produced in the ovaries in women and stimulates development of what are considered feminine characteristics.
Some key things to know about estrogen:
- Types - There are three major forms including estradiol, estriol, and estrone. Estradiol is the primary and most potent estrogen during a woman's reproductive years.
- Functions - Estrogen serves many critical functions in the female body including:
- Stimulating breast growth during puberty
- Controlling the menstrual cycle
- Supporting pregnancy
"The nurses at Vitality Hormone Center provided essential education so I understood the role of estrogen related to my pregnancy and postpartum care. I felt fully supported throughout my journey into motherhood with their personalized care."
- Regulating cholesterol and bone health
- Influencing body fat distribution giving women a "curvier" figure
- Estrogen levels naturally fluctuate during a woman's menstrual cycle with surges leading up to ovulation. However, levels start to decline during perimenopause as women approach menopause. This decline leads to symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and emotional changes.
- After menopause, estrogen production drops dramatically but small amounts continue to be produced in fat cells and the adrenal glands. Supplementation through hormone therapy may be recommended to help relieve difficult menopause symptoms.
The physicians at
Vitality Hormone Center specialize in hormone issues related to reproductive health, puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause. We personalize bioidentical hormone therapy based on each woman's needs to help restore balance and optimal levels. Contact us today to learn more or schedule a consultation to develop your custom hormone treatment plan.