Decreased muscle mass - Vitality Hormone Center

What is decreased muscle mass?

Decreased muscle mass, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscles in the body weaken, shrink, or degrade due to aging, illness, or lack of physical activity. It is a common condition, particularly in older adults.

Some key points about decreased muscle mass:

How Can It Be Treated or Prevented?

The good news is decreased muscle mass can often be improved with lifestyle changes:

For specialized guidance on promoting muscle health through customized hormone treatments and testing, consider making an appointment with Vitality Hormone Center clinic. Their experts can help diagnose potential deficiencies early and improve decreased muscle mass.

Proactively protecting muscle mass by adopting healthy lifestyle habits around exercise, nutrition, and hormone optimization gives you the best shot at staying active and independent as you age. It's never too late to take steps to maintain or regain muscle strength.

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